Tuesday, September 30, 2008

One-Way Window Glass


Caution: Chemicals and ready-to-use solutions will cause stubborn stains on hands and clothing. Clean glass with soap and water, then rinse thoroughly, handling the glass on the edges, only. Let glass dry. Use a small mop, or make one with cotton on a stick. Pour a little NITRIC ACID on the surface of the glass and spread it around with the mop. Flush the surface with water, then place the glass face down in a basin of clean water, to keep it clean until you are ready to treat it.

Get five (5) clean glasses. In one make Solution A, by dissolving one ounce of SILVER NITRATE in ten ounces of DISTILLED WATER. Set aside one ounce of this solution to use later. Then, with a medicine dropper and constant stirring with a glass rod, "ammoniate" your Solution A, by adding, drop by drop, some strong 10% to 26% AQUA AMMONIA. At first a thick, brownish mass will appear, but as more ammonia is added this will begin to thin out. Stop adding ammonia when the solution has become just barely cloudy, not entirely clear.

Next, in a separate container, mix one ounce of caustic potash, known as POTASSIUM HYDROXIDE, with 10 1/2 ounces of water. Note: slowly add the caustic to the water. NEVER add water to the caustic. Pour this solution into the ammoniated silver nitrate solution and stir very thoroughly. Then again, add strong ammonia water, drop by drop, until the solution, just clears. Now, pour the remainder of the Non-Ammoniated Silver Nitrate solution, this is the portion originally set aside. The main solution would once again become slightly cloudy. Make a solution of 1/2 ounce of GLUCOSE in ten ounces of Distilled Water and stir it into the main solution, which is now ready to use. This glucose is also know as dextrose, or just plain corn sugar.

The "slivering" should be done on a level table. Remove the glass from the basin and set it on edge to dry, then support it, sterile face up, on the corners of four upturned identical highball glasses, or the like. Place a small mirror, under the glass, at an angle (this will enable you to see the reflection of the silvering process so that you can stop at the right time). Pour enough solution on the glass to cover it, leave it undisturbed until the desired film of silver has been deposited. By looking at the mirror which you have placed on the table, at a slight angle, facing upwards, you are able to see the reflection of the silvering process and stop at the moment when
the right degree of reflection and transparency has been achieved. This will usually be about 20 minutes.

Then tip off the solution at one corner and thoroughly flush with running water. Set the glass on edge and let drain dry. WITHOUT touching the delicate film. When thoroughly dry, put on a coat of clear VARNISH with a soft CAMEL-HAIR BRUSH, or better, with a spray gun. When this dries, you may choose to further protect the silvering by taping to the transparent mirror
another sheet of plain, clean glass of the same size.

In use, the light on the mirror side should be stronger than on the back, and you should be able to see everything clearly through the mirror from the back; while anyone on the other side sees nothing but an ordinary mirror. Should you not be able to see clearly through the mirror, you have allowed the silvering process to continue too long. In order to achieve perfection, practice with small mirrors, until you have the timing just right. Such mirrors, as small as 8"x12" have sold for as much as $12, which is of course far more than your cost to make. Good Luck!
- Sold as information only -

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Starting an At-Home Big Money Business # Part II


"Hello, this is Daddy's business"
You must realize that there will be some (charming) complications to running a business from home and one of those complications is when a fairly small child answers the phone for a business call. "No, this isn't the Smith Company, this is my house" may throw a business associate calling your "office" for a loop, temporarily. Most people react quite graciously to this, but it does point up the advantage of having a business number that rings only in your work area.

Getting temporary help
There may be more work at times than you and your family can do yourselves. Your volume of business may be greater on certain days of the week, certain times of the month, certain seasons of the year. At those times you may need extra help to handle the work. Or you might need a bookkeeper or secretary or clerk one week a month to help you keep up-to- date on your record-keeping and paperwork. When you need such help, the most convenient way to get it is to hire someone through an agency that provides temporary workers.

Manpower and Kelly Girl, for example, are two of the best known agencies in this field. Hiring though such an agency has these advantages: they will send a person who has the skills you require which means you won't waste time training the person. The worker they send understands that the job is temporary and won't make you uncomfortable by asking to be kept on permanently.

And, because the worker is employed by the agency (not by you) the agency takes care of the worker's payroll records, tax deductions, insurance coverage, fringe benefits, and so on.
You are free from those responsibilities.

The right business for you
When selecting a home business you should consider these factors:
* Is the service or product you intend to provide already easily available in your area? If it is not available and if there appears to be a need for it, these factors are in your favor. Consider all the things you own that might be used in some way as equipment for your business: a car or truck, a typewriter, a mimeograph machine, and so on. I you can use them, it will greatly lower your starting costs.

* Is it a business that suits your personality and tastes? One that you feel good about, that fires your imagination? It should be. Enthusiasm can be a priceless ingredient in the formula for success!

Home businesses that work
You must, of course, choose the home business that is right for you. There are many books that will give you long lists of potentially money-making businesses for you to consider. A relatively short, but highly recommended, list of potential business ventures will be found in another of this series of reports entitled 37 Instant Moneymaking Part-time Businesses. Handwriting analysis by mail. A great little business to operate from home. First off, study up on the subject; it isn't too difficult to learn, and it's interesting. You will find lots of books on the subject at your local public library.

Once you've started studying, you can start placing some small- space ads, in local papers, and in literary-type magazines, psychology magazines, and wherever else you think you can find the people interested in having their handwriting analyzed. Then you just sit back an wait for the letters (and checks, money orders and plain old cash ) to roll in. Be sure to keep a record of how much you get from which ad (by using a key, such as changing your middle initial in each ad), so
you know which pull best.

After you get more confidence in making rapid analyses, you can even give personal consultations in your home if you want to do this. Guaranteed lucky four-leaf clovers. It used to be that people thought they would be lucky if they found a four-leaf clover when they were walking in the fields. Now some smart farmer, who must also be a good businessman as well as a skilled plant biologist, has figured out a way to get exclusively mutants, so he can supply unlimited four-leaf clovers.

You can cash in on this handsomely by buying a quantity of them and embedding them in clear plastic (casting resins and instructions can be obtained at any hobby shop), in the form of key rings, brooches and paperweights (or anything else you can create.) The real gimmick comes in the merchandising of them, because you should advertise them as guaranteed lucky genuine four-leaf clovers, with the slogan "If you don't get lucky in the next year with this genuine four-leaf clover, we'll give you your money back".

Within a year most people have at least one good thing happen to them, so you will probably get very few requests for money back. Instead, you are likely to have lots of satisfied customers who feel that now they have finally gotten lucky, proving that the four-leaf clover worked! With this approach, and an attractive small-space ad, you ought to do well with four-leaf clovers.

Back To Starting an At-Home Big Money Business # Part I

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Monday, September 29, 2008

Starting an At-Home Big Money Business # part I


Starting at home has many advantages
When you start a business, like any venture in life, you want it to have the best chance for success. Starting one from your home has unique advantages. You won't be paying rent on a store or office. And probably you won't immediately need a separate phone with the charges for installation and monthly service. And you are already heating and lighting your home. Therefore, you avoid the burden of these additional monthly overhead costs.

You'll be using many things you already own so you can save money by not buying a desk, lighting fixtures, a water cooler, or the other furnishings people generally buy to set up a separate business location. If you need help with the actual work that's involved, try to get members of your family to help you (more on this later). And you can start your business part-time while keeping your present job.Later as it grows you can make it your full-time occupation, and if you wish, move it out of your home into larger quarters...better suited to a business which may be growing by leaps and bounds.

Presiding over your own domain
A man's home is his castle--and it can also be his "gold mine." There are many people who make a very good living right from their home. It's comfortable, it's conveniently located (you can walk to work in about 15 seconds) and you can dress the way you like. You can arrange the furniture to make a work space that suits your exact needs and tastes. You can choose the hours you wish to work and, if you have the energy, initiative and ambition, you can even be in more than one kind of business!

Working in your home has other advantages; you have no transportation expenses and you don't waste time or energy in crowds or rush hour traffic. You don't have to worry about getting along with a large group of co-workers or finding a decent place to eat lunch. And you don't have to go out in all weathers, sleet and snow or broiling sun. But there are some drawbacks to working at home and the largest of these is self-discipline. You must learn to discipline yourself. Everyone who is his own boss has the problem of utilizing his time and energy most effectively and not wasting time on pet projects that are not essential to the business.

Self discipline is easier to attain if one goes each day to a separate place of business because most business premises do not have the comforts, conveniences and distractions that one has in one's own home. The danger in working at home is that the advantage of comfort and convenience can turn into a great disadvantage.

Set up a definite work area
Later on we'll tell you some tips on how to conduct business in general. But let's first find a part of your house that you can use as your business or work area. It should be a spot that is comfortable but away from distractions. Your children deserve attention but not during your working hours (more on that later) So set yourself up far from where the kids usually play. Too close to the kitchen isn't wise because you are too close to the "food or drink" temptation. A quiet spare bedroom can be ideal as can a finished basement or garage if they aren't too hot or cold. You may need an extension phone put there and, indeed, after your business gets rolling you may want a separate line just for business.

If you have a spare desk or table that's fine, but a card table can do for a starter. Adequate lighting is necessary and a filing cabinet also is a good thing to have on hand. You can add whatever other business devices and equipment you discover you'll need as time goes by. You and your Family It will be necessary to explain to your children that even though you are at home, you are, in a sense "not at home," that you are working. This does not apply to an emergency, of course, but for nearly all ordinary moments it means they are not allowed to disturb you. You may even have to lock the door that leads to your work area.

On the other side, there is the situation regarding other adults in the household, from whom you might want some help from in running the business. This has been called the "honey-do" problem: honey, do this; honey, do that. It's best to come to some understanding with your spouse (and any other adult in your home) about just how you are going to handle this problem. It's quite sensible to desire the help of those other capable adults because they can take some of the burdens of the business off your shoulders.

However, from both a business viewpoint and from the human relations viewpoint, it's best to have a clear understanding with each of them as to what kind of things they will and should do (answer the phone, open mail, pack and ship merchandise, etc.) and what they definitely are not to do make payments to people without your authorization, make agreements, deals or contracts without asking you). Such advance agreements can avoid a lot of aggravation and make everything go much more smoothly.

Continue To Starting an At-Home Big Money Business # part II

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Sunday, September 28, 2008



Purchasing television airtime requires a substantial amount of upfront capital. It is therfore common to seek joint ventures to finance your media buys. Entering into a joint venture with a TV station simply means that the station is willing to extend you the airtime in exchange for a percentage of your sales. Or they will finance you for a flat fee based on units sold or inquiries generated during each airing.

Since TV stations rarely advertise this aspect of their business, you may have to call a number ofthem to find those who accept per order (PO) or per inquiry (PI) deals. There are also media brokers who put together similar deals. Service bureaus who broker turnkey infomercial projects also have access to TV stations that will do PO/PI deals. See the listings at the end of this Guide.

Regardless of which route you take, you will be required to produce customized material that shows an 800 number exclusive to the TV station on which your material is being aired. This will allow both you and the station to track the number of leads or sales generated by each airing.

If you have a lead generation DRTV spot, some TV stations, particularly those with huge inventories of unsold commercial time, will accept payment based on the actual number of leads each airing of your ad generates. Per inquiry deals are usually confined to 1 and 2-minute DRTV spots. TV stations seldom extend half-hour airtime for a lead-generation infomercial. If they do, however, expect to pay a premium foreach inquiry you generate with each airing.

Some stations may require a quarantee to run your DRTV spot on a per inquiry basis. For example, if you sgree to spend $1 for each inquiry, the station may require you to give them $300 in advance until you've generated the equivalent of 300 leads.

Per order deals are usually available for both DRTV spots and half-hour infomercials. With per order advertising, the station amy charge a fixed amount for each unit sold or a percentage - between 30% and 75% - of the gross value of the product. As with per inquiry deals, some stations may want a quarantee before they air your infomercial or DRTV spot. The guaranteed amount is usually based on the percentage the station expects to earn from the selling price of your product.

For example, if your poduct sells for $100 and the station wants 50%, the station will want a guarantee based on $50 per unit. If the station asks for $1,000 as a guarantee, it will run your infomercial or DRTV spot until you've sold 20 units.

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Saturday, September 27, 2008



Some bugs help us, some annoy us, and some are downright dangerous. But you can learn a lot from bugs.

What you'll need
An insect guide and a spider guide from the bookstore or library--preferably ones with pictures Your magnifying glass Your science journal

What to do

1. Search your home and neighborhood for bugs. Grown-up alert! look:
Around your front door In cracks in the sidewalk On lamps On lights hanging from the center of the room On plants In crevices in drawers In corners of rooms

2. Identify types of bugs using the guides. Did you find: Ants? Spiders? Fleas? Silverfish? Moths? Flies? Ladybugs?

3. Ants can teach us how some insects work together as a community.
Watch ants scurry in and out of their ant hills or find some spilled food on the sidewalk. Do they eat their food on the spot, or carry it back to their anthill? When an ant finds food, it runs back to the hill to "tell" the others. As it runs, it leaves a trail that other ants in the hill can smell. The ants find the food by smelling their way along the trail.

4. Find out what the difference is between an insect and a spider.
Why do spiders spin webs? What are webs made of?

5. Write down possible answers to all these questions in your journal or draw pictures of what you see. Bugs do what they do to survive. They are constantly looking for food. Some bugs are both good and bad. Termites, for example, have a nasty reputation because they destroy peoples houses by eating the wood. But they also break down old trees, keeping the forest floor from becoming too cluttered with dead trees.

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Friday, September 26, 2008

How To Get Free Meals In Restaurants # Part II


I once saw an ad in the classifieds for a secret shopper. I answered the ad and was hired by a national restaurant chain to eat in one of their restaurants twice a month. Each time I visited I had to make a full report on service, food, time it took, etc. I was reimbursed for my meals plus received extra money for doing it! Watch your classifieds, or you may start your own service.

Many restaurants offer discounts or free birthday cake on your birthday. I have found one restaurant that will give you a FREE MEAL on your birthday! I cannot print the name, but I can tell you it is a national chain of restaurants, and, you can get Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner for FREE! (I go to different locations for each meal.) Call your local restaurants to see what they do for birthdays.

A few years ago I decided to get a part-time job to make some extra money. Since I spent so much time in restaurants, I thought food service would be my first and best choice. I soon found myself working in a buffet style restaurant where employees can eat FREE on the days they work!

Probably the best way I've found to get "practically free" meals is to trade for a service or product. I say "practically free" because there is a very small cost involved. I had already owned a pin on button machine much like those you see advertised in most magazines. I've been making sports buttons for schools and teams for about 7 or 8 years. One day a manager asked me if I had any Easter buttons for his waitresses to wear for the holiday. I came up with a design, had it printed and took 25 Easter buttons to the manager. When he asked me "how much?", I didn't know what to charge. He offered me a $9.00 steak dinner, and I said "OK!" (NOTE: My TOTAL costs to make these 25 buttons was $1.63!!) The following month he wanted 50 Mother's Day buttons (25 for each of his two stores). I received TWO complete meals of my choice including drink and dessert!! Every major holiday for the last seven years, I've traded holiday buttons for "practically free" meals!! I've also approached other restaurants in my area and had similar success.

NOTE: I only approach restaurants that I really would like to eat in. Just think, if you could barter with enough restaurants each holiday, you could accumulate enough meals to possibly eat "practically free" every day!!

Back to How To Get Free Meals In Restaurants # Part I

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How To Get Free Meals In Restaurants # Part I


By Paul Roberts

For the last 26 years I have eaten out in restaurants EVERY DAY! Many times two or three meals in one day! About 98% of all my meals are from restaurants. I've spent so much time in restaurants that, over the years, I've, even worked in a few as dishwasher, cook, and manager trainee. I rarely eat out in fast-food establishments. I enjoy the "family-style, dine-in type" restaurants. The kind with a smiling hostess, friendly waitress, and a manager who gets around and speaks to all the customers. When I find a place that has good food and friendly service, I keep going back! It doesn't take long to be on a "first-name" basis with each employee that you deal with.

Through the years of eating out, I've occasionally received a "FREE" meal! The following methods to receive free meals are NOT SCAMS or ILLEGAL SCHEMES! I'm also NOT going to tell you to get someone else to pay for your meal, but if it works for you... Go For It! I DID NOT go out and plan or create these methods, they just started happening to me!

By frequently the same restaurant often, you get to be pretty good friends with the managers and owners. On several occasions, I've been offered a meal "on the house" for one of two reasons:
1. Owner/manager wants my opinion of a new menu item and offers it free of charge, or 2. A dinner, either ordered by mistake by waitress, or prepared by cook by mistake... too good to throw out.. offered to me free of charge... Thank You! (Right place at the right time!)

I've also received FREE MEALS for doing the restaurant a favor from time to time. I once suggested my favorite restaurant to a local cub scout troop for a banquet location. I received a FREE MEAL from the manager in appreciation. A co-worker of mine was looking for a caterer for his family reunion. I suggested he call my favorite restaurant for a price (and mention my name). He got a good price - and I got a FREE MEAL in appreciation! Also, while "hanging out" at my favorite restaurant, I've been asked by the manager to run to the grocery for him to pick up some item they may need. When I get back, he's "taken care" of my check!

Continue to How To Get Free Meals In Restaurants # Part II

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$5,000/Week Passing Out Special Presents


Everybody loves Santa Claus because he gives away presents. By giving away these special presents, you will be warmly regarded as the Santa Claus of the advertising world, and at the same time you are earning thousands of dollars for yourself.

The special presents we have in mind are the popular discount coupon books that save people money at restaurants, hotels, theaters, bookstores, dry-cleaning establishments and hundreds of other retail establishments that rely on the general public for revenues. For you, these coupon books mean a healthy income with little or no investment. Funding these giveaways items comes from up front money provided by the advertisers themselves.

By charging the advertiser for inclusion in the coupon book at prices as high as $600 per coupon, you can gross thousands of dollars. The more coupons or advertisers, the more money you make, and and you may have fifty, one hundred or even more coupons in the book. These coupon books are a form of direct response advertising that encourages the public to move quickly. Firms that cater to the needs of the public are always looking to expand their customer base, but advertisers like the coupon approach because it allows them to control the timing of the discount deal they offer to potential customers. These might be two-for-one deals, straight discounts, or a bonus with every purchase.

You work with the advertiser to put the coupon together. The coupon doesn't have to be fancy; it does have to spell out the advertiser's deals simply and clearly. It should carry the address and phone number of the business, as well as a small map, if necessary. After preliminary approval of the design, you handle the final design, printing and distribution.

The appeal to advertisers is that they can reach many more potential customers at lower cost than they could if they handled the direct response advertising themselves. Put together a short contract that sets out what you will deliver to the advertiser, and a payment schedule. Typically, you should receive about one-third of the fee up front, one-third when you deliver the final coupon design for signature approval, and the balance when the coupon is ready. If the idea of making money from a product that you can give away appeals to you, you will find this business rewarding in many ways.

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